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This course provides an introduction to small business startups. Topics would include Business Planning, Financing, Market Development, Operations, Management, Legal issues and Social Responsibility related to starting and running an entrepreneurial venture. Topics are  presented in the context of developing of an overall new SME where students will develop and plan for a real or imaginary new venture

Career Occupation* 
(if applicable)

Students will develop concepts and applications for starting up their own Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) or applying for the following marketing roles:

• Administrative Associate
• Marketing Specialist
• Account Manager
• Marketing Research Analyst
• Sales Associate
• Marketing Lead

Program Duration

Total instructional hours: 360
Total instructional week: 24


Business Diploma In Small And Medium Enterprise (SME)

Career Occupation* 
(if applicable)

Students will develop concepts and applications for starting up their own SME.

Program Duration

Total instructional hours: 720
Total instructional week: 48


Principles of Finance
Principles of Marketing
Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management
Marketing Research
Business Communication
Management Sustainability
Business Leadership
Principles of Economics
Principles of Accounting
Cultural Diversity and Etiquettes at workplace
Workplace Readiness


Principles of Finance

Brief Course Description

The transformative learning experiences at ICCS College of Canada are designed to help our students grow both in and out of the classroom. The new ICCS Canada College campus will be located in a Surrey, BC area, a city that brings in a beautiful combination of multicultural elements to explore. With affordable housing and many restaurants offering Punjabi, Chinese, and other authentic food options, it is a home away from home for our international students. Our passionate and skilled team members are here to help students become successful professionals and impact the world. Are you ready to reach your potential? Join us!

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

60 hours of instruction time


Principles of Accounting

Brief Course Description

This course introduces the student to how accounting information is used by and
meets the needs of both internal and external users through effective and
efficient communication, as well as what accounting information is required by a
business concern to reflect clearly the operating results of the enterprise over its
operating life. Throughout the course, students will be introduced to generally
accepted accounting principles, the interpretation and preparation of financial
statements, and how this information is recorded in the various business

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

60 hours of instruction time


Business Communication

Brief Course Description

This course is designed to familiarize students with professional communication
skills, emphasizing developing professional business communication. Students
develop communication and teamwork skills by preparing and delivering a range
of business documents and presentations. In addition, the proper citation of the
source material is reinforced.

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

60 hours of instruction time


Cultural Diversity and Etiquettes at

Brief Course Description

This course introduces the student Participants to understand the skills
and knowledge required to become culturally competent in their daily
work interactions. In addition, participants will understand how culture
impacts human behavior and learn practical strategies to prevent or deal
with disharmony in the workplace. Students will have an increased
understanding of the cultural influences on human behavior and how
individuals can proactively and sensitively deal with cross-cultural
misunderstandings in their workplace. Participants will gain ideas for
dealing with conflict between co-workers as well as be able to identify
when conflict has a cultural component.

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

60 hours of instruction time


Organizational Behavior and Human
Resource Management

Brief Course Description

The study of organizational behaviour is the study of three separate, but
interrelated, processes. The course begins with the study of individual behaviour
in organizations, including such topics as perception, attitudes and work
motivation. The study of group dynamics is also addressed, including such topics
as team building, leadership, and decision-making. Finally, the course explores
the study of organizational structure, culture and change

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

60 hours of instruction time


Principles of Economics

Brief Course Description

This course discusses current micro and macroeconomic analysis terminology,
concepts, theory, methodology, and limitations. The course provides students
with a theoretical structure to analyze and understand economics related to
individuals and businesses. In addition, it seeks to provide students with an
understanding of how political, social, and market forces determine and affect
the Canadian economy. This introductory course explores the principles of
production and consumption – and the exchange of goods and services – in a
market economy. In particular, it complements courses in the Business
Administration program by highlighting the various market mechanisms that
influence managerial decision-making.

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

60 hours of instruction time


Workplace Readiness

Brief Course Description

Workplace Readiness is an instruction-based course designed to teach
employability skills to succeed in a high-performance work organization.
Its focus is to teach students transferable skills necessary to succeed in
the ever-changing workplace through teamwork, problem-solving,
communication, self-management, and career readiness. Students will
enhance basic soft skills, workplace skills, interpersonal skills,
communication skills, and leadership skills while becoming career-ready

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

60 hours of instruction time


Business Leadership

Brief Course Description

This course highlights the concepts and theories of executive leadership to
help students develop the skills essential to becoming leaders in the
workplace, the community, and society. Course content focuses on
leadership roles, relationships, and styles and how these are adapted and
mimicked in various situations. During this course, students will have the
opportunity to assess their leadership style to best practices.

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

3 months (60 hours)



Brief Course Description

This course introduces students to the attributes, skills, tools, and
knowledge that are required to become a successful
entrepreneur or to function in small and medium enterprises. The main
emphasis is placed on developing the competencies needed to critically
evaluate potential business opportunities, create appropriate strategies
to explore identified options, develop a business plan, source and
validate available financing alternatives, establish the enterprise and
manage its growth and development.

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

3 months (60 hours)


Management Sustainability

Brief Course Description

This course explores the sustainability of business practices, suppliers, and
operational effectiveness in detail. Sustainability is an emerging and
multifacet concept influencing everything from the environment, business
continuity, and maintenance of best practices. In addition, it explores the
relationship between business and society while challenging the balance
between ethics and capitalism that managers need to deal with regularly.

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

3 months (60 hours)


Marketing Research

Brief Course Description

This course provides the student with in-depth know-how of market
research practice and procedure. Students go through the eleven 
of the marketing research process and apply them to the assigned case
studies. Major components of this course include an overview of the
research process, sample selection and design, data collection procedures,
analyses, and interpretation of data. The theoretical course curriculum is
supplemented by a final group research project which enables the student
to put the concepts intopractice.

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

3 months (60 hours)


Principles of Marketing

Brief Course Description

This introductory course provides students with a solid grounding in
marketing and is developed to introduce students to the principles and
practices of marketing management in the modern corporate
environment. This course evaluates the consumer market for goods and
services and then proceeds to examine the major decision areas of
marketing: identifying and selecting target markets, product, price,
distribution, and integrated marketing communications. Key concepts
including marketing mix, marketing strategy, and marketing best
practices are introduced and explored. Analytical frameworks used to
assist in making marketing decisions are also discussed. Emphasis is
placed on the formulation and management of integrated marketing
strategies that play a role in achieving organizational objectives. In
addition, this course is designed to provide opportunities for students to
improve critical thinking and information management skills.

Course Prerequisites


Course Duration

3 months (60 hours)

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